Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ask the Mayor - August 2010

Dear Mayor Reynolds,
As you already know the Bainbridge movies closed earlier this summer and that was one of the last few things the youth had to do in Bainbridge. My question is would you be interested in having a sort of brainstorming team with younger citizens of Bainbridge and surrounding areas to think up ideas for young citizens and children as well?
B.J. Guest

Hey B.J.,
Hope you’re doing well! You’re right, the loss of the movie theater was a big blow to Bainbridge, especially to the youth. I think a brainstorming session with our young people is a great idea. Perhaps local churches and other organizations should be involved to help develop a plan and put it into action. Would you be willing to take part in the brainstorming session? It is vital that concerned individuals like yourself step up to the plate to assist with the planning and implementation of the ideas that come out of a brain storming session. Ideas are great, but it is going to take positive action by members of our community to make a change. After all, it is you, our local citizens that help make our great community thrive.

If you or any other young people would be interested in participating in the brain storming session (date to be determined), please call 229-243-8555 or email to sign up.

Mayor Reynolds